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About The Book
First off I would give honor to God for the gift of writing poetry. This book was put together with poems that I have written beginning about 6 years ago and I still have more poems to share. The first poem I had ever written is called Stray Away because I was upset with someone I was involved with and the rest like she; is history! Well I had a couple of friends critique it and I got rave reviews; not to mention that I had also sent the poems to her friends by email who in turn said I was wrong for the things I said but they loved it so I began writing more poems and using my feelings or using the feelings of friends who were down and out. I wrote poems to feel their pain love and excitement. My title of the book called The Sunshine from Behind the Mountain is definitely what it is. There are many burdens that people go through with during their life which represent the mountain but to know that you have an exit such as writing poetry playing basketball skinny dipping or turning donuts in a parking lot whatever it is that you do to make you happy is your sunshine. I hope you feel my poetry and that it may bring sunshine to your life!