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<p><strong>This study looks at all companies registered in the East Midlands and where their total assets are more than &pound;9000000.</strong></p><p>The East Midlands is a medium size region with a population of 4.8 million in 2017 out of 66 million for the UK .</p><p>The region comprises the counties of Derbyshire Leicestershire Lincolnshire Northamptonshire Nottinghamshire and Rutland. The main cities are Derby Leicester Lincoln Northampton and Nottingham.</p><p>The aim of this study is to provide an overview of the key movers and shakers in the East Midlands corporate sector. Only key data has been isolated particularly the company&rsquo;s net worth and total assets but also its full name date incorporated registered office activities shareholders directors (with date of birth occupation and nationality) and number of employees.</p><p>Two indicators of size are used: net worth and total assets. These are preferable to turnover which is influenced by profit margins and whether the companies are capital or labour intensive.</p><p>A short summary of the corporate sector in the East Midlands:</p><p>Britain&rsquo;s hosiery and knitwear industry was largely based in the region and in the 1980s it had more textile workers than any other British region. Derby was home to an important railway workshop. At its peak Corby Steelworks was the largest in Britain.</p><p>The region is the UK&rsquo;s eighth largest region in terms of total output.</p><p>Total output (GVA) in 2016 was &pound;100 billion (UK being &pound;1748 billion) while total output (GVA) per head in 2016 was &pound;21185 (UK average &pound;26621).</p><p>The total number employed May-July 2018 was 2278000 out of UK total of 32397000 with an employment rate of 74.9% (UK being 75.5%).</p><p>Manufacturing accounts for 16.7% making it the region with the second highest proportion of manufacturing output within the UK after Wales. There were 12210 manufacturing businesses in the region in 2017. The region&rsquo;s largest manufacturing sectors are food and drink transport equipment rubber plastics and non-metallic minerals.</p><p>There were 294000 manufacturing jobs in 2017 (12% of all jobs) while the public sector accounted for 15.6%.</p><p>In 2016 the region had around 173000 VAT registered businesses mainly SMEs. In 2017 there were 22565 new businesses set up (up 12%) and 22740 businesses ceased trading (up 12%). The number of businesses in 2017 was 371000 (UK total 5695000).</p><p>A new East Midlands Development Corporation (dev-corp) is currently being assembled.<br />&nbsp;</p>