The Twins' Great Adventures
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About The Book

The Twins Great Adventures is a book about two very close brothers who are called Nate and Noah; their big sister Mia; brother Harrison and their little sister Evie Blossom; and friends who go and visit their Uncle Tony and Auntie Jean. Uncle Tony is so cool; he is always there to encourage with all sorts of stories. Uncle Tony is very educated and has travelled all around the world; he knows everything about everything. He worked as a historical archaeologist in the Middle East and was given some glasses as a thank you for all his good work. No one had any idea at the time that the glasses were so special; when you were willing to learn they took you to places that you were watching and talking about. No one knew the glasses were 4D and they were holding lots of secrets to tell. These glasses only worked if you were willing to learn about the world and were trying to help save the planet so not everybody can be transported into the stories. All the stories are very educating with topics on the football World Cup Olympics the rainforest the moon landing the homeless man the golden eagle. These stories are for all ages young and old.
