The Ultimate Focus Strategy: How to Set the Right Goals Develop Powerful Focus Stick to the Process and Achieve Success
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About The Book

Discover 4 Steps to Permanently Eliminate Distractions and Focus on Your Goals in the Long-TermHow do you feel about investing years of your life into achieving an important goal - your time energy money blood sweat and tears - only to give up and throw it all away?If you constantly switch your attention from one thing to another dabble in multiple projects and give up on your goals whenever things get hard youll eventually fail - absolutely guaranteed!Wouldnt it be life-changing to finally be able to focus on your most important goals work on them diligently on a daily basis and make them a reality?Fortunately even if youve been engaging in such unproductive behaviors ever since you can remember you can escape this vicious cycle.Written by bestselling author Martin Meadows The Ultimate Focus Strategy: How to Set the Right Goals Develop Powerful Focus Stick to the Process and Achieve Success uncovers a powerful strategy that helped him overcome extreme shyness get in shape in less than twelve months after years of negligence launch a successful business after six years of failures release several bestsellers learn two foreign languages dramatically reduce his fear of heights and travel to exotic destinations.Heres just a taste of what youll learn from the book: - How to make smart sacrifices to achieve your goals. Sacrifice is a must but it doesnt mean you have to throw your life out of balance.- How to set the right goals transform them into real-world actions and motivate yourself to get started. Discover when and how to start working on your goals.- Learn how to overcome the common fears and problems of getting started such as balancing several goals at once overcoming a fear of failure and a fear of success (its more common than you think and it might be one of the reasons why you struggle).- Discover a 4-step process that shows you how to develop deep focus on a single path. This is how ordinary people achieve extraordinary goals.- 7 powerful ways to overcome everyday distractions. Find out how to become focused including how to recognize and avoid laziness triggers.- How to focus and take action when youre not motivated. A lack of motivation doesnt automatically mean youre destined to fail. Learn how to overcome this common problem and keep trucking!- How to prioritize what to do and manage your to-do list. Youll be surprised to hear such outrageous advice in a self-help work but youll surely find yourself nodding as you read it.- 3 key areas of life you have to change to get fascinated with your goal. Developing a positive obsession about your objectives can make the difference between success and failure.- 5 powerful tips to stick to your resolutions despite hurdles and challenges develop more patience and bounce back after a failure. Learn how to persist even in those challenging times when all you want to do is give up.- 3 golden rules for sustainable progress. Learn how to make the Ultimate Focus Strategy a part of your everyday life and achieve consistent results.- How to maintain success when you reach it. Discover the final lesson you absolutely need to heed to stay successful for the rest of your life.Nothing prevents you from finally escaping the vicious cycle of working on your goals in an uncommitted way. Buy the book now study the strategy apply it and reap the benefits for the rest of your life.
