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About The Book
The fourth annual compilation of the best fantasy and horror covering work produced by Australian and New Zealand writers in 2013. Over 150000 words of fiction from some of the genres best and most awarded writers. Together with an annual genre overview and recommended reading list this is both a book to be read and a valuable reference work. This volume collects 28 stories by Alan Baxter James Bradley Imogen Cassidy David Conyers Terry Dowling Thoraiya Dyer Jason Franks Michelle Goldsmith Michael Grey Stephanie Gunn Lisa L. Hannett Gerry Huntman Rick Kennett David Kernot Charlotte Kieft S.G. Larner Claire McKenna Andrew J. McKiernan Faith Mudge Jason Nahrung Emma Osborne Angela Rega Tansy Rayner Roberts Angela Slatter Cat Sparks Anna Tambour Kyla Ward Kaaron Warren and Janeen Webb. Award-winning series.