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About The Book
Through the Brazilian Wilderness is Theodore Roosevelts biographical account of hunting camping and zoogeographical reconnaissance with his son Kermit in the Brazilian jungle. Following his presidency he set out on an expedition to explore and map unknown regions of Paraguay and Brazil on the 950-mile River of Doubt a previously unexplored tributary of the Amazon River. For six weeks Roosevelt and his party paddled and carried canoes down the 950-mile river now called the Rio Roosevelt. Men died boats were lost food became scarce fever borne by insects sickened many in the party which led to Roosevelts death five years later. The expedition collected thousands of species of birds and mammals. Roosevelt admired those who lived life with passion and for what he called the Great Adventure. The story of his expedition as chronicled in Through the Brazilian Wilderness tells one of Roosevelts last great. Theodore Teddy Roosevelt was the 26th President of the United States. He is noted for his energetic personality range of interests and achievements leadership of the Progressive Movement and his cowboy image and robust masculinity. He was a leader of the Republican Party and founder of the short-lived Progressive (Bull Moose) Party of 1912. Roosevelts achievements as a naturalist explorer hunter author and soldier are as much a part of his fame as any office he held as a politician.