In "Timeless Alpha," meet Yash, an ordinary man who is thrust into an extraordinary journey when he crosses paths with the mysterious Kriyansh. Suddenly, Yash finds himself not just witnessing, but participating in the legendary war at Kurukshetra—a war that defies time and space. Guided by the profound teachings of Lord Krishna from the Bhagavad Gita, Yash confronts his inner turmoil, fears, and past mistakes. Each lesson, each encounter on this ancient battlefield, brings him closer to understanding his life's true mission. Returning to his present-day life, Yash discovers a transformed world. The wisdom he gains not only equips him to conquer his personal battles but also offers a new lens through which to view life. However, the internal battle has only just begun. "Timeless Alpha" is an enthralling tale of personal transformation that seamlessly fuses the age-old wisdom of Eastern philosophy with the intricate dilemmas of modern existence. Get ready for a captivating read that challenges you to introspect, question, and ultimately comprehend the essence of life, duty, and destiny. Embark on this timeless journey and discover the alpha within you.