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About The Book
This book is everything you need to know about toddler discipline. You will be utterly amazed at the knowledge you will discover within the pages of this book you now hold in your hands. Dive right into everything you need to know about the development of a toddler. Let this book take you as deep as possible into various toddler personalities and how to cope as a parent.Learn how amazing and unique your children are as you explore in detail the mental workings of your toddler. This book answers the big question: Why do toddlers do what they do? It explains the toddler brain which as you will discover is very different from ours.It also sheds a little light on male and female toddler emotions and how it affects their thought processes later in their teen and adult life. You will glean a lot of insightful knowledge about why your adorable little bundle of joy isnt always so adorable as they seem to enjoy pushing every single button you have. You will learn the right way to speak to toddlers considering their unpredictable and somewhat fragile nature.Youll learn to communicate so that they actually pay attention to what you say. Within the pages of this book you will find out the importance of setting boundaries when dealing with your little ones.Wondering how to set boundaries? You dont need any other book for that information as it is all in here! The little tips and helpful suggestions you will find in this book will help you to foster a secure and loving environment for your toddler. This book also contains vital reasons why the distraction strategy isnt as helpful as most parents think it is when dealing with undesirable toddler behavior.If youve searched every book and article trying to understand why your kids dont seem to obey instructions no matter how gently the instruction was given or how frustrated they see you are then you can finally end your search. This book holds the answers to the questions you have been asking and will improve the relationship you and your toddler have by leaps and bounds.