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About The Book
Our legal system is broken...So posits Raymond Kawamata in this scathing indictment of the US justice system. And he should know. When Kawamata a Hawaiian rose farmer discovered one day that his roses had been dying due to a manufacturing defect of a fungicide he had applied to his plants he did what any aggrieved customer would do: he asked for compensation from the manufacturer. This outwardly simple action against the chemical giant DuPont a $38 billion company would cost Kawamata ten years of his life a marriage and millions of dollars in legal expenses. Why? Because when it comes to the deep pockets of corporate America its possible to be too big to lose. In this must-read the dirty secret of the American legal system is exposed. Courtrooms are battlegrounds of attrition where justice takes a backseat to the financial strength of the respective parties. And the little guy doesnt stand a chance.