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About The Book
<p>A critical and accessible text this book provides a foundation for translanguaging theory and practice with educating emergent bilingual students. The product of the internationally renowned and trailblazing City University of New York-New York State Initiative on Emergent Bilinguals (CUNY-NYSIEB) this book draws on a common vision of translanguaging to present different perspectives of its practice and outcomes in real schools. It tells the story of the collaborative project’s positive impact on instruction and assessment in different contexts and explores the potential for transformation in teacher education. Acknowledging oppressive traditions and obstacles facing language minoritized students this book provides a pathway for combatting racism monolingualism classism and colonialism in the classroom and offers narratives strategies and pedagogical practices to liberate and engage emergent bilingual students. This book is an essential text for all teacher educators researchers scholars and students in TESOL and bilingual education as well as educators working with language minoritized students.</p>