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About The Book
The Republican-controlled Congress has failed to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or ObamaCare over the last eight years and there is widespread confusion and uncertainty as to what is going on in U. S. health care. Most Americans are increasingly anxious about whether they can afford their own health insurance and health care. Even those who are covered by Medicare and Medicaid are worried about threatened cutbacks to these programs as congressional Republicans commit themselves to slashing entitlement funding to help pay down the $1.5 trillion deficit resulting from passage of their 2017 tax bill. The ACA has been so undermined and sabotaged by the Trump administration that it is now owned by Trump and the GOP as TrumpCare. Chaos now reigns throughout our increasingly fragmented dysfunctional and unfair health care system. This book intends to make sense out of this chaos with four goals: (1) to describe what TrumpCare is; (2) to show how it will fail patients families taxpayers and the nation; (3) to describe the growing crisis in health care in this country; and (4) to compare the only two real alternatives before us--continuance of TrumpCare or moving to single-payer Medicare for All. Recent national polls show that health care is the # 1 concern of the electorate even above the economy as the 2018 midterms approach. This book describes how Americans can gain universal access to affordable health care with higher quality and less bureaucracy paying less than we do now.