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About The Book
<p>The earth continues to tumble slowly head-over-heels as President Lloyd Sinclair embarks on a mission to save mankind from total annihilation. The greatest mass extinction event in the planet&rsquo;s history has begun and his success will hinge on the existence of the twilight zone a narrow latitudinal band that circles the globe just north of the equator. This is where a life-sustainable environment might subsist&mdash;but it will only support less than two percent of the 7.4 billion inhabitants on the planet. Neither does it pass through North America.</p><p>The world watches in astonishment as Sinclair begins to act in a bizarre manner but his efforts to suppress the tumble while he introduces a plan to control the twilight zone starts to crumble.</p><p>Thelma Carpenter believes there is an association between the satellite failures the extreme heat wave and the president&rsquo;s strange behavior and she begins to seek a connection. Her boyfriend Cobra is skeptical of her suspicions but he also knows not to underestimate her abilities. It is rare she is wrong.</p>