Twenty-Six And One and Other Stories

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About The Book

A collection of short stories by one of the most eminent Russian author Maxim Gorky. Born as Alexei Maximovich Peshkov this great man was a Russian writer and political activist. He was nominated five times for the Nobel Prize in Literature. Gorkys most famous works are his early short stories written in the 1890s; plays The Philistines (1901) The Lower Depths (1902) and Children of the Sun (1905); a poem The Song of the Stormy Petrel (1901); his autobiographical trilogy My Childhood In the World My Universities (1913–1923); and a novel Mother (1906); and post-revolutionary works such as the novels The Artamonov Business (1925) and The Life of Klim Samgin (1925–1936) the latter is considered Gorkys masterpiece and has sometimes been viewed by critics as a modernist work. He had associations with fellow Russian writers Leo Tolstoy and Anton Chekhov both mentioned by Gorky in his memoirs.