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About The Book
While some were brought into life being nurtured in the best way with diligence . . . care . . . and being in loved and thus felt loved, on the farther side some walked through life with years of pain - pain which was unbearable yet one endured; pain which was unimaginable yet one accepted to exist. Perhaps some are pleased to be born . . . yet some are half - hearted when they came to be and are an inch away from the feeling of being unborn. I clasped to life. I clasped while pain was never of impossibility in my existence. Consequences of life which are within bounds of reason and beyond it is my life - blood. I lived and took every breath. I was balancing upside down on my own hands. I had to save me. I am Gloria . . . and this is my story. I have an inner desire to tell my story, partly because I want to rant my anger, partly to educate on the effects of child abuse. Mostly, I want to vindicate my life. Although I had made many bad decisions in my stages of life, I feel strongly that I came out a good person. The early years of abuse have affected me to this day. I am held together with disassociation disorder. I take one day at a time. Some days are good; some are very bad. After my diagnosis, I am more at peace, and I thank God every day for giving me the ability to forget when I had to and to remember when I should. Gloria Lehtola