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About The Book
Melanie Higgins Zysk was a purebredcity girl-until she discoveredhow animals could soothe her souland enhance her life. Since thenMelanie and her husband Tim havemade it their mission to provideshelter and love for animals of allkinds including cats dogs pigs andeven cows. <P>This heartwarming memoir paystribute to Melanie's lasting love affairwith animals small and large. Overthe years she and her husband haveadopted abused neglected orunwanted animals and cared for themon their Florida ranch. Melanie hasdeveloped a set of beliefs about thehuman relationship with animals andshe has come to realize that eachcreature has a distinct personality awarm heart passion and even asense of humor. Melanie and Timoperate on the firm belief that everyanimal-whether an unfriendly catoverweight pig or blind cow-needsto love and be loved.<P>Warmly portraying one woman'sextraordinary devotion to animalsthis moving story gives voice to theunbreakable bond between humanand animal and demonstrates theremarkable power of unconditionallove.