“Unfinished Poetries†is a book of courage, love, happiness, loss, heartbreak, hope, frustration, despair, anger, philosophical and existential ruminations, and God.The poems are born of mundane everyday events experienced by the poet and her somewhat fertile imagination, giving an interesting interpretation to each. The bubbling potential of a close friend on the cusp of starting out her life journey, the broken taillight of her car, which helps identify her from afar, the broken mug, now converted into a flower pot, the blue-colored walls of her bedroom, the moldy fungus, growing on the leather covering of her dairy during the rainy months, the loss of a dear friend moving away, the broken heart and wounded soul from a relationship(s) gone sour, vacant musings on some lazy Sunday afternoons, inspirations from reading the works of other budding writers, hope for the future, have contributed to each of the pennings. She does not hesitate to lay herself bare, that is what makes this book, an interesting and compelling read.