Value Investing


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About The Book

If you dont believe in Value Investing what do you believe in?Warren Buffett Value investing is a process the process that combines two ingredients to be successful a good understanding economic of the business operation the company and there study and a disciplined valuation approach these two things have to integrate in this book you will learn how to do this integration successfully fist we understand assets value then we move to earning power value then we ask yourself does this company enjoy barriers to entry or not? once we get the answer then we go to the next step to analyze the franchise value of the company if the answer is no then we stop going forward organizing the information in a structural way. In this book we will be asking such questions:- •Why is this opportunity available only to me?•Why I am only one seeing this opportunity?•What is the other side of transition coming from?•What the other side know that I don’t know?•What is the opposite view?•Why the others is selling and I am buying? To be a successful investor must have three attributes:- •Character determines your return how you behave in the market. •Temperament needs to be controlled should not flow with the market. •Ability to stay in the market for the long term because the investor has behavioral biases they sell the winners stocks andhold the losers stocks. Value Investing is a real treasure and abundance of wealth for you to grab.
