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About The Book
<p>As strange as it may seem there is a lot of room for humor and laughter in a war zone environment. Maybe the reason is that when so much sadness and danger is all around one seems to welcome anything that is remotely funny. During my two years in Vietnam I oft en felt that humor and laughter were the major factors that contributed to having a positive attitude. </p> <p>I talk about a number of the people places and very meaningful events that have proven to be extremely monumental in my life and my desire to make a difference at least in my mind. It is dedicated to those that have served and are currently serving in our military forces and especially to those comrades in arms who paid the full measure. To be sure our many freedoms our opportunities and our safe living environment in the USA did not and still do not come without a price. </p> <p>This story is for friends comrades and any others that have had similar experiences. I hope to shed a bit of a different light on the subject of war with an emphasis on the humor that oft en happens which I believe is what gets us through. I have cherished this time and know that it had a great deal to do with developing the positive attributes of my character that I may have and the way I approach and live my life.</p>