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About The Book
An extensively revised and updated edition of the well-known consumer resource guide to what’s best in complementary health from the UK’s most trusted health and beauty consumer watchdog. Includes products and therapies.Susan Clark is the UK’s most trusted consumer health watchdog and What Really Works cuts through the hype waffle and information overload that exists surrounding complementary health supplements and therapies providing the reader what they really need to know.The book is wide-ranging in scope and tests and reveals what really works across the entire mind body spirit area.Part 1 – The essential building blocks for good health- food air water sunlight and exercise.Part 2 – A top-to-toe look at the best natural remedies to treat 80 everyday complaints.Part 3 – The 30 best most useful and well respected complementary therapies.Part 4 – Spiritual-based therapies and practices from shamanism to meditation and many in between.Part 5 – A guide to new ways to relax including spas retreats therapists yoga holidays flotation tanks and more.With a newly updated resources section and new index What Really Works contains the most information and resources listing of any book on the market today.