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About The Book
When Angels Speak: The Awakening is uniquely crafted focusing on the authors personal journey during a time of intense healing and transformation.After a weekend dowsing workshop Jackie begins receiving telepathic communications from unseen forces that identify themselves as the Akasie a group from Pleiades. It doesnt end there. Throughout the writing Jackie gives day-by-day accounts of her struggles to unravel the mystery of the communications and their true intentions. I could sense their presence hear their messages and feel their love. It wasnt long until I began documenting their communications (many of which are included here) and they were speaking through me. Somehow I had become a channel for them. This book documents how the different masters and angels began to communicate with her and use different techniques to walk her through the process of healing and to prepare her for her new role as a Pleiadian Messenger of Light.This book is a Pleiadian endeavor intended to ease the unfamiliar and sometimes frightening process that you may face when you receive a spiritual gift such as clairaudience.