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About The Book
In our lifetime we have all had at least one nightmare. We are lucky to waken from it frightened but consoled in knowing that it was only a dream. It is then dismissed and we go about our day. Not so in the lives of Rachel Quick and Poncho Helios Petros. They have a rare disease which is not narcolepsy or any other known phenomenon that causes a person to drowse or lapse into a sudden state of sleep. They are not called away to dreamland but to another dimension where they actually live when they pass into unconsciousness. They are soul mates who face their intense dilemma with the help of psychiatrist Dr. Micklos Nichta and his rekindled love medium Zora. The black cloud that changes form has the devils yellow eyes and threatens them when they emerge into its evil dimension. They are chased endlessly in an abstract world where nothing makes sense. The evil cloud wants something from them but they dont know what it is. They cannot end this torment of constantly being chased and not having the energy or the will to stay awake. Attempts are made by the cloud to penetrate the barrier that holds their world apart from normalcy. Sunlight is the only thing that prohibits it from succeeding to invade. As time goes by the doctor travels with them through hypnosis and is pursued also by the hideous yellow-eyed cloud mass. A truth is finally discovered by the dark nemesis. It exchanges the young couple for the psychiatrist and his significant other. Rachel and Poncho become free to live normal lives but the doctor is now eternally haunted and possibly slated for death as his years go by.