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About The Book
A Gathering of Heroes Begins Owen Arach second son of the Duke of Red Dragons Keep is afraid hell never measure up to his brothers courage and bravery even though he and his Sword of Light fought valiantly beside Thomas in the opening battle of the Demon Wars. Chosen by an arrogant WindRunner Owen rides to Aos Si home to his aunt and uncle to find a piece of the Cumhacht ar Draigoini Talisman. It holds life and death for the Dragons. Owen must pass through the Darkened Forest daring to confront the Dark Fey. The Bell of Prophecy tolls for the breaking of the Forest prison. An elf and dire wolf join Owen Navar and Aeden - the Red Dragon - and their Swords of Light. Owen must battle Demons in the depths of limestone caverns for possession of the Aos Si amulet. Where are Owens kidnapped parents? Where are the men sent to find them? In the race to unite the pieces of the Talisman Owen must brave Dark Fey close a Rift into another world and battle Demons sent to kill them all. Will the Forest Lords come to his aid? Can he save Aos Si?