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About The Book
When confronted by an existential crisis noted educator Marlene C. Holayter is drawn into ajourney of personal discovery. As she approachesretirement the author is compelled to find themeaning purpose and value in her life. As shedelves into her own story one door opens toanother and soon she is exploring the stories ofothers.Drawing on interviews with over onehundred people Holayter examines how thesearch for what matters enriches life and howeach decade becomes a crossroad for the next.Through the lens of her own journey of growth the author reveals insights gleaned from the vastand varied and yet sometimes commonly sharedexperiences of a wide range of people.Wisdom is a Journey asks deep questionsabout seeking guidance the power ofconnections and the importance of empathy ina complex world. By offering perspectivethrough these collected reflections and livedlessons Holayters book is an opportunity to benurtured by others as you walk your own pathtoward wisdom.