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About The Book
Women Encounter God is one of the first books to explore the commonalities and convergences of womens theologies in the Americas. This critical comparative analysis of white feminist womanist and mujerista theologies focuses on how by placing their unique theologies in dialogue the rich contributions of each theology can inform the others. By looking at the key themes of empowerment embodiment and relationality Moody examines how three different types of feminist theologians perceive God. She discusses the works of such representative theologians as white feminists Mary Daly Rosemary Ruether Sally McFague and Carter Heyward; Hispanic/Latina theologians Ada Maria Isasi-Diaz Yolanda Tarango and Elsa Tamez; and womanist theologians Delores Williams Jacquelyn Grant and Katie Geneva Cannon as well as feminist theorists Chela Sandoval and Rosemary Tong.