All creative writings, including poetry, are didactic, intended to teach and sometimes as a wake-up call, in addition to their entertaining roles. Yet sometimes, they are downright satires against palpable anomies in the culture of societies. This collection, with a pragmatic utilisation of relevant literary devices and figures of speech, tries to convey the messages in their subtlety for the plain appreciation of the reader. The motivation has been my latent interest in literature and the manifest belief that all hands ought to be on deck for individual and collective contributions in tackling some of our world contemporary issues. These include: climate change, human rights, debate on democratisation of the United Nations Security Council, Pacific Settlement of Disputes, refugees, HIV pandemic, child soldier, etc. In each of the poems, the central theme is plainly hidden for the cipher of the reader. May the ink of writers of all sorts never dry. I take full responsibility for the contents of the entire collection.