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About The Book
Juniors indigo eyes were twinkling with mischief.He said And Dad so if someone is not happy with his lifehe needs to change his storyto change his story he needs to change his beliefto change his belief he needs to let go of hislimiting beliefsto let go of his limiting beliefs he needs to know hisown inherent powersto know his own inherent powers he needs to knowwho he truly isto know who he truly is he needs to vibrate at ahigher frequencyto vibrate at a higher frequency he needs to raisehis vibrationto raise his vibration he needs to learn to love(because love has the highest frequency)to learn to love he needs to know he is the creatorof allto learn that he is the creator of all he needs toknow he is the ultimate magician he is God!in other words for a man to be happy he needs toknow he is God!Right Dad? asked Junior with a grin. Maxim laughed and said Right son!This is the final installment in the trilogy of YOU ARE THE ULTIMATE MAGICIAN. In the book the author has given step-by-step instruction that is easy to assimilate and incorporate in daily life with outstanding results.