Alice's Adventures in Wonderland


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About The Book

The International Phonetic Alphabet is a system of phonetic notation based primarily on the Latin alphabet. It was devised by the International Phonetic Association as a standardized representation of the sounds of spoken language. The IPA is used by lexicographers foreign language students and teachers linguists speech-language pathologists singers actors constructed language creators and translators. This edition of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is written entirely in that same alphabet with fonts specially designed by Michael Everson. The transcription reflects the standard regionally-neutral form of spoken British English known as Received Pronunciation. Granted that most linguists agree that not much more than 4% of the population of Britain speak it today RP was nevertheless traditionally based on educated speech in southern England; it is still widely taught and dictionaries for native speakers and learners of English still make use of it in their transcriptions. Because this is a novel and meant to be read it was decided to retain some orthographic features which are not normally kept in phonetic transcription: punctuation italicization and capitaliza-tion. Carroll's punctuation has been retained with the exception of the apostrophe marking the genitive (because Duchess's voice just looked wrong as ?D?t??s'?z v??s). ---- Ði? ??nt??næ??nl F???net?k ?Ælf?b?t ?z ? ?s?st?m ?v f???net?k n???te???n be?st ?pra?m?r?l? ?n ð? ?Læt?n ?ælf?b?t. ?t w?z d??va?zd ba? ði? ??nt??næ??nl F???net?k ??s??s??e???n æz ? ?stænd?da?zd ?repr?zen?te???n ?v ð? sa?ndz ?v ?sp??k?n ?læ??w?d?. Ð? ?A? ?Pi? ?E? ?z ju?zd ba? ?leks??k??r?f?z ?f?r?n ?læ??w?d? ?stju?d?nts ?nd ?ti?t??z ?l???w?sts spi?t? ?n ?læ??w?d? p????l?d??sts ?s???z ?ækt?z k?n?str?kt?d ?læ??w?d? kri??e?t?z ?nd træns?le?t?z. Ð?s ??d???n ?v ?Æl?s?z ?d?vent??z ?n ?W?nd??lænd pr??zents ð? tekst ?n ?n ??nt??næ??nl F???net?k ?Ælf?b?t træns?kr?p??n. Ð? træns-?kr?p??n r??flekts ð? ?stænd?d ?ri?d??nli ?nju?tr?l f??m ?v ?sp??k?n ?Br?t?? ????l?? n??n æz R??si?vd Pr??n?ns??e???n. ?r??nt?d ðæt m??st ?l???w?sts ???ri? ðæt n?t m?t? m?? ðæn 4% ?v ð? ?p?pj??le???n ?v ?Br?t?n spi?k ?t t??de? ??? ?Pi? w?z ?nev?ð??les tr??d??n?l? be?st ?n ?edju?ke?t?d spi?t? ?n ?s?ð?n ????l?nd; ?t ?z st?l ?wa?dli t??t ?nd ?d?k??nr?z f? ?ne?t?v ?spi?k?z ?nd ?l??n?z ?v ????l?? st?l me?k ju?s ?v ?t ?n ðe? træns?kr?p??nz. B??k?z ð?s ?z ? ?n?v?l ?nd ment t? bi? red ?t w?z d??sa?d?d t? r??te?n s?m ???????ræf?k ?fi?t??z w?t? ?? n?t ?n??m?li kept ?n f???net?k træns?kr?p??n: ?p??ktj??e???n ??tæl?sa??ze???n ?nd k??p?t?la??ze???n. ?Kær?lz ?p??ktj??e???n hæz be?n r??te?nd w?ð ði? ?k?sep??n ?v ði? ??p?str?f? ?m??k?? ð? ?d?en?t?v (b??k?z Duchess's voice d??st l?kt r?? æz ?D?t??s'?z v??s).
