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About The Book
The focus of Divine Principles is a determined and systematic search for important Universal Truth. It uses the tools of science to establish two fundamental principles of the spiritual nature of that universe. It then applies the same methods to examine and evaluate a wide variety of related ideas in light of those precepts.The divine has never sounded so logical and logic has never sounded so divine.-US BookViewsRECOMMENDED rating. This is a captivating read about spirituality religion and science. Although the author addresses complex issues he writes without intimidation or preachiness. At the heart of the book is the authors belief that we are eternal and divine beings. Divine Principles is a thought-provoking look into our unique existence as humans.-US REVIEW OF BOOKSCalling the understanding of the spiritual aspect of who we are the ultimate mystery Ungerecht refers to Jesus having said that those who sought the truth would find it. In exploring the mysteries that lie somewhere beyond both science and faith Ken Ungerechts Divine Principles finds evidence for his premise that we are not here by chance and that we are loved by God more than we could ever know.-FOREWORD REVIEWS 5-STAR RATING. One of the efforts of this book is to try and gain a sense of direction that might lead us towards that answer. Anecdotal evidence has been the most common type we have used to try and determine truth in spiritually related ideas. This type of evidence is not good enough for science. However if enough people have similar experiences we may begin to accumulate sufficient evidence to at least cause some people to wonder about possibilities of what may be true. And these are only some of the moments Ken shares with us. His coupling of science and spirituality is richly rewarding to both read and to ponder.-Grady Harp AMAZON Hall of Fame Reviewer