<p>In this practical and groundbreaking book, Dr. Lorry Leigh Belhumeur, known by her clients, students, and colleagues as Dr. Resilience, delivers the precise 8-ingredient recipe for transforming adversity into resilience, purpose, and success.&nbsp;</p><p>Are you ready to break free from limiting thoughts and habits that keep you stuck?&nbsp;</p><p>Based on her life experience and 30 years of work with children, teachers, therapists, parents, and caregivers, Dr. Lorry knows that adversity is transformable. In fact, she believes that people who've experienced the greatest childhood adversity are often the ones called to be cycle breakers and leaders for the next generation. This book will give anyone who senses there is more to life, more to contribute, more to enjoy- the strategies and tools to thrive- to become super resilient and to empower others to do the same.</p><p>Dr. Lorry Leigh Belhumeur, known by her clients, students, and colleagues as Dr. Resilience, delivers the precise 8-ingredient recipe for transforming adversity into resilience, purpose, and success.</p>