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About The Book
A houseful of spiders decides to move to a new home when it becomes clear they are no match for the woman with the red slipper. Our story has a happy ending! Freddy Molly Leggy Ralph and Smart are all different types of spiders. Did you know that all spiders are useful because they eat bugs that you dont want in and around your home? HOW spiders do what they do is different from one type of spider to another. The latter part of the book contains educational content about spiders and how the illustrations in this book were created. Hard cover full colour 36+ pages.The writer who herself disliked spiders invites you to look at spiders from a safe distance watching to see how they move how they capture bugs for food how they make their webs. Lets begin reading now. Spiders on the Move is written by Marietta Camps a lifelong artist storyteller gardener and nature lover who lives in British Columbia Canada. Illustrations are by Agungi Rianto a passionate and talented artist living in Indonesia.