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About The Book
<p>Within each chapter I’ll share a story that is relevant to the topic of discus- sion. These stories are either a personal experience that I have been involved in during my career or one of a peer or colleague. The names of companies individuals and products will be masked by fictitious names. Storytelling helps readers relate better to technical topics because we all have similar experiences throughout our careers. As with any other shift in technology there is a lot of hype and many myths and misperceptions about cloud computing that lead to resistance or difficulties for some organizations in adopting the cloud. I have observed the same behavior numerous times in my career with the adoption of the Internet service-oriented architecture (SOA) agile methodologies and others. I have been fortunate enough to have multiple opportunities to be a pioneer for several of these technology shifts. I will use some stories from the past to show the parallels between the resistance to cloud computing and the resistance to the predecessor technologies.</p>