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About The Book
Philosophy is the quest for a life that is fully alive. Drawing on the insights of philosophers through the ages The Way of Philosophy clarifies what it means to live life intensely. It exposes the shallowness of conventional wisdom by asking such questions as - Can science know everything? - Should we do it if it feels good? - Is beauty in the eye of the beholder? - Is life about creating ourselves? - Is love supposed to be selfless? - Can we ignore death? - If God exists why is he hiding? Philosophers invite us to go down deep and live a life in light of truth goodness and beauty. If we tread this path we can discover for ourselves the hidden source of the philosophical life in the unending wellspring of wonder. This work is a call to wonder! Professor Engelland has reflected deeply on the questions that move the human heart--love beauty goodness truth. These pages thus serve as a form of spiritual exercise for thinkers aiming to arouse us from our various levels of psychic torpor and to bring us to see the marvels of existence at all levels. --David Meconi Professor of Theology Saint Louis University; Editor Homiletic and Pastoral Review This is a beautiful little introduction to philosophy which with its humor provocative observations and clever anecdotes and examples will draw students in before they know whats happening. Engelland does a marvelous job of speaking plainly and directly to students without diluting philosophical content and of opening up classical themes in a fresh and unpretentious way. --D. C. Schindler Associate Professor of Anthropology and Metaphysics John Paul II Institute; author of The Perfection of Freedom and The Critique of Impure Reason Chad Engelland is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Dallas in Irving Texas. He is the author of Ostension (2014).