The world is full of lonely women looking for love. Theyll try anything: dating sites speed dates at conference centers blind dates ... the list goes on. Its not a bad thing to keep your eye out for Mr. Right or to be hopeful and optimistic about finding your very own Prince Charming. But its also not a bad thing to know how to spot Mr. Wrong. My Knight in Shining Armor Turned out to Be a Loser in Tin Foil is a guidebook for the smart single women out there-a weapon in your arsenal to protect you from the hidden players and losers on the dating scene. Authors Tiffany Elmquist and Stefani Stevenson review the list of the ten most common characteristics of a dating loser in detail; you wont want to miss a single page! They have compiled experiences from their own lives designed to entertain and inform. Some of the stories may even relate to your own encounters in the dating world. My Knight in Shining Armor Turned out to Be a Loser in Tin Foil is not about bashing men-its about the bad apples that make men look bad. Most importantly its about helping you avoid Mr. Wrong so you can finally find your own Mr. Right.