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About The Book
<p>The question of the Godhead is a very heated issue<br />in Christendom. The field abounds with contrasts<br />antitheses and confusion. The majority of Christians<br />are proponents of the Trinity. But increasingly large<br />numbers of them are abandoning the Trinity camp and<br />questioning its validity. In discussions and chat rooms<br />for every verse one presents in favor of a particular<br />theory of the Godhead one will encounter tens of<br />scriptures contradicting or disproving them. This is<br />irrespective of the brand of Godhead being defended&mdash;<br />Trinity Binitarianism Oneness Unitarianism etc.<br />In one such public Internet forum as I was trying to<br />present my own version of the Godhead God gave me<br />a unique understanding of the subject and prompted<br />me to turn my posts then into a book. This is the<br />book you are now about to read. It examines God<br />in seven divine dispensations. Godhead is different<br />in each dispensation. At times God appears to be<br />one (Unitarianism); at other times he seems to be<br />two (Binitarianism); and still other times he is three<br />(Trinity). At times it seems it is only Jesus and no<br />one else (Oneness). Only this book combines all the<br />theories of the Godhead into one glorious unity!</p>