The Redeemed of the Lord


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About The Book

Have you ever been lost? When I was twelve my family went on a summer vacation to visit Dad's cousins in Detroit. Going from a small town in New England to the big city of Detroit was an exciting adventure for my family. There was one particular point on the journey I will never forget. It was dark outside and I was awakened by the sound of Mom yelling and the jolt of Dad quickly applying the brakes. We all piled out of the car and before us was an eerie frightening black immense of water. We almost had driven into Lake Erie! Fortunately my parents realized our peril and we were saved from what probably would have been a disastrous situation. But what about those who are spiritually lost? Will they be able to apply the brakes in time before driving straight into the eerie terrifying black abyss of hell? The Redeemed of the Lord: A Call to Pray is an appeal to Christians to pray for the spiritually lost. This book describes the prayer journey of one woman who decided to do what she could for the lost by using the most powerful weapon at her disposal-prayer. The story includes how this journey began some of the lessons learned along the way some of the prayer recipients and a praise to our glorious God and Father who is willing and able to save us all. Please get a cup of coffee sit in a comfortable chair set aside an hour or two to read and consider joining me on this prayer journey. The spiritually lost are counting on us even if they don't yet know it.
